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December 17, 2012


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Ed Burghard

Thank you so much for sharing this with your readers.


Agree my friend. Destination marketers need to chant the mantra "Emotional benefits before features!".

Bill Baker

It helps having Strengthening Brand America as a forum to stimulate these discussions.

Bill Baker

It makes for very bland and boring places without them. Glad you agree.

Bruce Dickson

The simplest of practical tests in relation to evaluating the role of emotion in destination choice is the personal one … why are your favorite travel places your favorite places? And in the process thinking a little deeper about the essence of the answers you may find yourself giving.

One key element will very frequently be the elusive ‘sense of place’ and distinct sense of ‘local character’ a selected destination offers … not just the activities also found on hand.

And the elusiveness of that sense of place is so often intrinsically and closely tied to emotional responses and how that place is affecting many, if not all, of your senses – as you experience it.

Sometimes a single element may dominate here but more often a combination of elements – the sum total of a lot of small and possibly big things. Physical, sensory, human, colors, textures, nature-based, culturally-based, ease of access, range of choices, limits to choices, the sense of energy, the sense of peace, etc. All responses defined in very personal and often distinctive ways.

Asking myself about what makes for a favored destination, I have one special place which is defined by its particularly intense ‘sense of place’. And the emotional test is that most other people who get to visit it, also feel a pressing need to spontaneously but consciously mention to others how wonderful it feels to be there. Reflecting their and my own bias towards the warm feelings generated by wonderful wildlife filled forests, adjacent to clear surging river waters, with nearby access to historic cabin lodging and a historic general store serving great coffee and sensational freshly cooked scones.

All in all a pulpable sense of peace and the emotional relief of leaving the incessant noise of daily life behind. And as a bonus, there are also the visual delights seen while just driving there too.

All my own very personal preferences – but all part of what defines the destination’s remarkable ‘sense of place’ and its capacities to evoke powerful emotional responses in me and others.

Of course I will return and choose this spot over others, because my emotions tell me to. No scientific studies needed on that aspect!

Allen Carlos

And in the procedure considering a little further about the substance of the solutions you might discover yourself providing.

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