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May 13, 2014


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Malcolm Allan


Thanks for highlighting my thinking on the role of airports in city branding. On 3 June I will be making a presentation to Oslo Airport and its regional authorities on this subject and a copy of my presentation will be posted on the Placematters web site soon after.

Tom Buncle

I agree with you and Malcolm, Bill. Airports often miss a trick by being little more than anonymous retail sheds. Paris CDG has, incredibly, to be the worst example of "destination disconnect" syndrome. Try finding a halfway decent French meal in the world capital of gastronomy's airport - mission impossible. However, their connecting times are so ambitious and internal airport transfers take so long that they do manage to contribute to the city's tourism as a result of the number of times people miss connecting flights, who are then tempted to take the RER into the city to while away the hours before the next available connecting flight.....shrewd or just a commercially happy coincidence?

Bill Baker

Nah, Tom! It's a brilliant strategy that isn't immediately obvious to the unsuspecting punters like us. Thanks for your great angle once again.

Bill Baker

Thanks for your thought provoking work. All the best with your presentation.



Golla Pitt

That is the reason why airports nowadays showcase what a certain city or country can offer to its customers. A nice airport fully equipped with better services ( e.g. air conditioning, escalators, waiting lounges, shops, etc.) is a good shot, a good starting point to every traveller to explore the place. I was truly enlightened by this article. Thanks to you Bill for sharing your big deas.

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